Risk Analysis
Risk analysis is the review of the risks associated with an event or action. It is applied to all types of manufacturing, location security, food fraud, food defense, organizational and operational management, and much more. This one-day workshop explains the concept of Risk Analysis and what documentation is required for compliance with standards such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 under which any action where uncertainty may be present requires risk analysis analyzed on a quantitative and/or qualitative basis. We will discuss the various tools that can be used to coordinate the processes that are a part of Risk Analysis. This workshop also includes group discussions with real-life examples and breakout sessions where you will complete a mock Risk Analysis documentation to practice the skills that you learn in class.
You are encouraged to bring samples from your own company (forms, procedures, audit reports, etc.) and use these, along with the training materials that you will be given, to enable the training to be tailored more towards your specific area of the industry.
This information is also available in the Corrective Action/Preventive Action (CAPA)/Root Cause workshop.
Who Will Benefit
Top Managers, Personnel responsible for Corrective and Preventive Action completion, Internal Audit Team Leaders and Members, Food Safety/HACCP Team Leaders and Members, SQF Practitioners, Management Representatives, Quality Managers, Purchasing Personnel, Production/Plan Managers and Supervisors using risk analysis to add further value and knowledge to the organization’s management system.
What You Will Learn
Develop an understanding of the concept of Risk Analysis
Documentation strategies for audit success
An introduction to Risk Analysis techniques
Review of the tools available to aid with the processes of Risk Analysis
Will include real-life examples along with group discussions
Workshop hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. The course fee includes all training materials, snacks, drinks, lunch and professional certificate of completion. If you are interested in having us present a workshop specifically designed for your organization at your own site, please call us at (407) 290-2754 or contact us below.